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Parents' Sustainable Living Kit

Food Heroes in partnership with the UN One Planet Network has released its parents' kit! This downloadable sustainable living kit can be scaled up to address global challenges such as resource efficiency, biodiversity conservation, poverty and social well-being. 

Using the Parent's Kit

Children and parents play games together to discover the impact of food across the web of life. Food Heroes teaches children how to be better people with self-love, sharing love and loving our world. The kit will include storybooksworksheets, activities and games that bring sustainable living into your home. 
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Materials and Kits

The Food Heroes curriculum also comes in the form of uniquely assembled kits of materials covering specific themes.

Enjoy the over 160 teaching materials of lesson plans, worksheets, activities, game boards, flashcards, storybooks, journals etc. in different packages that are easily downloadable. 

They engage with STEM, Common Core Standards, the arts and physical activity


Whether it is learning about the environment or nutrition; teaching STEM activities or arts; learning at school, online or at home, Food Heroes has all bases covered!  


Food Heroes Mini Kit

The Food Heroes Mini Kit, has everything you need to start integrating health, sustainability and wellness into your classroom or home through fun games! This 'mini' and reduced version of the Food Heroes' curriculum includes the essential lesson plans, game boards, flashcards so that you can begin playing it immediately! 

What's included in the 

Food Heroes Mini Kit

  • 5 essential lesson plans
  • 3 game boards
  • 2 food flashcard decks
  • An activity card deck
  • Pledge cards
  • 3 food journals
  • Dinnertime Activities
  • Conversation starters

Family Fun Pack 

Enjoy Food Heroes at home! With this simple and complete package of all Food Heroes sustainability and healthy-eating games designed for family use, everyone in the home can embark on the Food Heroes adventure to save the world!

Benefits of Playing 
Food Heroes at Home

1. Keeps the family connected, focused and engaged during dinner.
2. Increases children's intake of healthy natural and colourful foods.
3. Makes meal time exciting and fun!
4. Creates lasting healthy eating habits for strong, healthy growing kids.
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Sustainability Kit

This kit contains anything and everything sustainability related. Teach children all about how to live a healthier, greener life! The kit contains 6 lessons for offline and online use, worksheets, homework pages, coloring sheets, and much more!


NGSSK-ESS3-3: Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment. 

Health Kit

This is our kit for all things health related. Materials teach children all about what types of foods are healthy for them and which are not so healthy. Topics covered include macronutrients, hand washing, and processed sugar warnings. The kit includes 5 lessons for both online and offline use, worksheets, homework pages, and much more!


NGSSK-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live. 

Nutrition Kit

This is the kit for all things nutrition related. In these lessons, children all about the basics of healthy eating. Topics include eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods, and where different foods are grown. The kit includes 3 lessons for both online and offline use, worksheets, homework pages, and much more!


NGSSK-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live. 
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Mindfulness, Food and Culture Kit

This is our bundle for all things related to mindfulness, food and culture. This bundle teaches kids all about how food can bring us together and how different cultures eat different foods. It includes two lessons for online and offline use, worksheets, homework pages, and much more!


CAK-12.CCSS.ELA-Literacy: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

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Homework Kit

This is our complete bundle of all homework sheets we have to offer. Use these sheets to keep learning going at home. Bundle covers a wide range of topics including nutrition, health, mindfulness, food, culture, and sustainability.


CACCSS.ELA-Literacy: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.


Worksheet Kit

Here is a collection of all of our worksheets. These are great to add to any in class learning experience. Bundle covers a wide range of topics including nutrition, health, mindfulness, food, culture, sustainability.


CACCSS.ELA-Literacy: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Colouring Sheet Kit

Here is a collection of all the Food Heroes' professionally drawn worksheets. These are a great, fun way to support teaching children all about healthy eating, nutrition, and sustainability!


CACCSS.ELA-Literacy: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Behavior Support Booster Pack

Research has shown positive reinforcement is the best way to create sustained lasting behavior change. This Booster pack provides tools for use in the home by the whole family to encourage continued healthy eating habits over time.

Benefits of Playing 
Food Heroes at Home

1. Keeps the family connected, focused and engaged during dinner.
2. Increases children's intake of healthy natural and colorful foods.
3. Makes meal time exciting and fun!
4. Creates lasting healthy eating habits for strong, healthy growing kids.
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